Admin Steps To Reset GraspAGENT User Passwords:

To reset the password the Administrator will login.

  • Go to User Admin section
  • Click Edit to the right of the user’s name
  • Click the 'Reset Password' hyperlink and a Password box will display
  • Add a new password that meets the requirements
    • Password requirements:

      • Must be at least 8 character length
      • Contain at least one numeric character
      • Contain at least one non-alphanumeric character
      • Using your login/username as your PASSWORD is not allowed
  • Check the 'User must change password on next login?' box if you want to force a password change when they login with the new password you created.  Leave the box unchecked for the user to use the password you created and not have to change it.
  • Click Update. (bottom center of screen)