Quick Start Guide for GraspDATA and Video Links

This information contains steps to access GraspDATA software, Help documentation, and a list of short training videos.

Login Information

You will need an Agency Admin to create your GraspDATA login.  Once you have your login and password you can sign into GraspDATA and begin using the software.  

Grasp's data processing runs in the USA Eastern Time Zone.

GraspDATA is a web-based software and can be accessed on any computer or device by going to www.graspdata.com or the URL provided to you by your Agency Admin.    

The URL will display the login page as shown below.  

Type your User Name (login) and Password in the applicable fields, then click the Login button.  

Once logged in, you can change your password if you’d like. 

  • To change your password, click on your login username in the upper right corner of the page.  

  • The 'My Account' window will display.  Click the link for Reset Password on the bottom left.  

    • This will open a new field for you to enter your new password.  The password must contain a minimum of 8 characters, at least one upper case, one lower case, one numeric and one miscellaneous character.  Click Save when done.  


Help Menu

There are a few ways to learn how to use GraspDATA.  We have many video tutorials and text documentation about the site in our Help Knowledge Base.  To access, click on HELP from the left menu, once logged into GraspDATA.  Once in Knowledge Base, type your request in the Search box, or click on the category boxes to see all articles and videos by category.



Our training videos, and a brief explanation of each video, are listed below.  Click the hyperlink to access the video.   



Data Cafe:  

  • Data Inquiry – how to use this tab to quickly find booking info synced from your back office  


Settings: This tab is ONLY seen if user is an Agency Admin   

Enhancements and Updates: