SOP: Magnatech tracks every ticket issued in our managed pseudo-cities. Three days after the last travel date, Magnatech checks the ETR of each ticket for OPEN segments. If OPEN segments are found the status in the database is changed to OPEN and the ticket appears on the client's unused ticket report.

Add Report:

  1. Log into Magnatech's Web Portal: 
  2. Expand ONTRACKplus, then Report Manager, and Click Reports
  3. Click the plus icon at the top right corner of the table to add a new report.
    1. Report Information
      1. Enter a name for the report (Name of Account followed by Unused Ticket Report)
      2. Ex: "Safe Harbors Unused Ticket Report"
      3. Click Next
    2. Agency Scope
      1. Run this report against one or more agencies
        1. Select [08QF] - Ministry Travel LLC
        2. Select [1P3F] - Safe Harbors Business Travel, LLC
      2. Click Next
    3. Account Scope
      1. Add account
      2. Click Next
    4. Search Criteria
      1. Category: Ticket
        1. Field = Is Handled
        2. Operator = Is False
      2. Category: Ticket
        1. Field = Ticket Type
        2. Operator = Is Not Equal To
        3. Value = Invalid
      3. Category: Ticket
        1. Field = Ticket Status
        2. Operator = Is Equal To
        3. Value = Open
      4. Category: Ticket
        1. Field = Open Segment Status
        2. Operator = is Equal To
        3. Value = All Open
      5. Category: Ticket
        1. Field = Airfare Limit For E-Tickets
        2. Operator = Is Greater Than Or Equal To
        3. Value = 1
      6. Click Next
    5. Schedule
      1. Run This Report On A Schedule: Every 1 month
      2. Day of the Month = 6
      3. Click Next
    6. Column Layout & Styles
      1. Report Column Layout: [Preset] Default UTM Corporate Template
      2. Report Styles: [Preset] Default Template Style
      3. Click Next
    7. Report Options
      1. Sorting: Oldest Records First
    8. Delivery Options
      1. Export the report as a: .xlsx file, and deliver the report by: Email
      2. Enter Recipient Email(s)
      3. Enter Sender email =
      4. Enter Subject = <Account Name> Unused Ticket Report
        1. Ex: "Safe Harbors Unused Ticket Report"
      5. Custom Email Template = [Preset] Ticket Exipiration Notification Preset
      6. If the report is empty: Send "empty report" notice to FROM address
      7. Click Save