1. Press [Windows + R], and you will see a Run window appear
  2. Copy [CTRL + C] and Paste [Ctrl + V] this into the box: file:///C:\Users\%username%\WorldVia Travel Group\Team Safe Harbors - Documents\Sabre\virtualpayments
  3. Click into the address bar, and Press [CTRL + C] to copy the folder path
  4. Open Sabre
  5. Go to Tools, then Options
  6. Expand Red Apps Settings and click on Sabre Virtual Payments
  7. Check Enable SVP (it might already be checked for you)
  8. Click Enable Shared Config, and click OK on the popup message
  9. Paste your file path into the Shared Path box, and add \svp-safeharbors.xml to the end of the file path
  10. OPTIONAL TEST: Uncheck Enable Shared Config, and recheck it. If you get the error message from step #6, then you need to check your shared path entry. Once you no longer receive an error message proceed to the next step.
  11. Click OK to close the Options window