Background: Concur custom fields that are used for reporting profile related data do not automatically move into Sabre Profiles. To get this data in to the PNR you need to use this method to sync them properly.


  1. Make sure “Send to Sabre Profiles is checked in the Custom Field:

  1. Create an Advanced format for each Custom Field. They are in order starting with Reference Information
    1. Use the following xpath expression for any other custom fields:
      1. Change the value following “[@InformationText=” to the actual custom field name, do not use the display name, but the actual field name.
      2. Change the ".S*UD8 " to the actual UD number, be sure to leave the single space after the number and before the quotation mark.
      3. Set Format Name as the format. Ex: 5.S*UD7 TECOMET_Department
      4. Format Type = Remarks (5)

if(//Profile/Traveler/TPA_Extensions/CustomDefinedData[@InformationText="CustomProfileField1"]/@Value !="") then concat(".S*UD8 ", (//Profile/Traveler/TPA_Extensions/CustomDefinedData[@InformationText="CustomProfileField1"]/@Value))else ()

  1. Toggle the xpath expression click on “+ Add Conditions” and then “XPath Expression” in the upper right  

  1. Use the Expression Builder for any standardized information. (ex: Employee ID, OrgUnit, etc).
    1. Note: Reference Information 1 is always the Rule Class that is moved in a preconfigured Advanced Format. So, the first custom field is always sequence number 2!

  1. Go to the PNR Builder screen and make sure the new formats are checked as always move lines

  1. Perform “Concur to GDS” Profile Sync
  2. Check Sabre Profiles
    1. Custom Fields are stored in Reference Information that does not automatically move into the PNR. We will need to setup Advanced Formats to move them.