In Sabre 360 templates are required for indicating which elements move into the PNR. We've already built master templates to assist with the creation process. We will use a master template to build each of our unique client templates.


  1. Open Sabre 360
  2. Click Admin > Sabre Profiles
  3. Click Administration
  4. Click Create Templates
  5. Select a Traveler for the Template Type
  6. Enter your the Template Name as the corporate profile name followed by a dash (-) and then the technology used [SureWare or Concur]. Example: WORLDVIA-Concur for WorldVia, and we use Concur for our traveler profiles.
  7. Enter any helpful details into the description field. Example, UD8 required, or using BTA card, etc. 
  8. Click Continue.NOTE: If you select Cancel, from any screen in the process, you receive a warning: Click Yes to return to the Administration screen. Always Click No to return to the template (unless you want to lose all current changes).
  9. Choose a Master Template. Select the template based on the technology the client uses [SureWare or Concur]. The Master Template contains all of our predefined field selections already and will save you a good amount of time.
  10. Click on Associated Profiles
    Associated Profiles allow us to link profiles together for the purpose of copying profile data into the PNR. This provides a way to create a default association for any profile created from a specified template, as well as the order in which the system copies profiles into the PNR, in order to save you time during profile creation.

  11. Click Add Profile, and associate your new template with the following profiles:

    • Agency (AGY1P3F)
    • Corporate (CRP)
    • Operational (OPX) <-this profile type is not commonly used, so skip it if not provided
  12. Use the Profile Name search box to search for each profile. Example: AGY1P3F is the name of our agency profile. Use AGY1P3F to search for it. Do the same for the Corporate, and Operational profile (if applicable).
  13. Check the Associate Profile checkbox to add to the associate list.
  14. Click Continue when done.
  15. Your completed list should have at minimum a Agency (AGY) and Corporate (CRP) profile. If you are missing either, go back to step 11.
  16. Click Advanced Sabre FormatsAdvanced Sabre formats are where we can add custom formatting for moving data that exists in standard (never move) fields, into the PNR. We can also customize existing fields to display the way we want them to.
    1. Standard Profile Fields:(CONCUR ONLY)
      1. Custom Profile Fields appear in order inside the Reference Information section of Sabre Profiles
        • Note: Reference Information 1 is always the Rule Class that is moved in a preconfigured Advanced Format. So, the first custom field is always sequence number 2!
      2. Click Add New to create Advanced format for each Custom Field. 
      3. Set Format Name as the format. Ex: 5.S*UD8 Division

      4. Format Type = Remarks (5)

      5. Use the Expression Builder for any standardized information.
      6. For advanced options such as conditionals (If, then, else) click on + Add Conditions
      7. Click Continue to add your format to the bottom of the list.
      8. Repeat Step #16 for any additional Advanced Formats.
    2. Custom Profile Fields: (CONCUR ONLY)
      1. If the client had us configure Custom Profile Fields, then we need to make sure the sure Send to Sabre Profiles checkbox is checked in the Custom Field configuration page.
      2. After enabling this option a Profile Sync is required! You can also test with one profile by saving it manually in Concur and checking the Reference Information section of the Sabre profile for the custom fields. If the data is not present in Sabbre, check for any profile errors in Concur.
      3. Custom Profile Fields appear in order inside the Reference Information section of Sabre Profiles. NOTE: The Reference Information field does not automatically move into the PNR.
      4. Click Add New to create Advanced format for each Custom Field. 
      5. Set Format Name as the format. Ex: 5.S*UD7 TECOMET_Department

      6. Format Type = Remarks (5)

      7. Use the Expression Builder for any standardized information. (ex: Employee ID, OrgUnit, etc).

        Note: Reference Information 1 is always the Rule Class that is moved in a preconfigured Advanced Format. So, the first custom field is always sequence number 2!

      8. For advanced options such as conditionals (If, then, else) click on + Add Conditions
      9. For more advances options we can use XPath by clicking on XPath Expression in the upper right.
        1. Enter the following xpath expression for any custom fields: if(//Profile/Traveler/TPA_Extensions/CustomDefinedData[@InformationText="CustomProfileField1"]/@Value !="") then concat(".S*UD8 ", (//Profile/Traveler/TPA_Extensions/CustomDefinedData[@InformationText="CustomProfileField1"]/@Value))else ()
          1. Change the value following “[@InformationText=” to the actual custom field name, do not use the display name, but the actual field name.
          2. Change the ".S*UD8 " to the actual UD number, be sure to leave the single space after the number and before the quotation mark.
      10. Click Continue to add your format to the bottom of the list.
      11. Repeat Step #16 for any additional Advanced Formats.
  17. Click PNR BuildersA PNR Builder allows you to select the profile information that will always move into the PNR.

    When using the preloaded templates you just need to go to the PNR Builder section of your new template.

    1. Initially the Default PNR Builder will display. This PNR Builder DOES NOT move the traveler's credit cards assuming the company uses a BTA card for all travel payments. it is most common for the company to pay for their employee's travel so we have that set as our default. 

      • If you need to customize this PNR Builder (Example: you added Advanced Sabre Formats previously for UDID's or client specific remarks, or the client does not use BTA credit cards), you'll need to build a Custom PNR Builder. The Default PNR Builder is not editable, and should remain standard.

      • If customizations are not needed simply click Continue to use the Default PNR Builder, and skip the setup steps below.

    2. Click Continue to exit the Default PNR Builder

    3. Click Add New

    4. Enter the company name into the PNR Builder Name field

    5. Check the box next to Make this the default PNR Builder (to override the existing).

    6. Click Select All

    7. Uncheck the following checkboxes

      1. Traveler Name (-) - this is added by an Advanced Sabre Format instead to remove special characters.

      2. Address - the traveler's address is entered into the O# instead of the address field.
      3. Form of Payment (5-*) - (leave this checked if the traveler's use their own credit cards).
      4. Discounts
    8. At the bottom be sure the profiles are aligned in proper order and the necessary PNR Builders are selected.
      1. Agency (MoveAll)
      2. Corporate (MoveAll)
      3. Traveler
    9. The PNR Builder list displays listing the name of the PNR builder you just created.
      • Click Add New and repeat the previous step to create additional PNR Builders.
      • Click Edit to modify the PNR Builder.
      • Click Remove to delete a PNR Builder.
  18. Click Continue twice and then Save.
  19. You will now receive a Template ID. This will need to be provided to Travel Leaders for entry into Concur or added to SureWare for the system to use this template when building profiles.