1.    Email Verification

This section reads all the email addresses from the PE field, and displays them to you. Your responsibility here is to ensure they are all correct, and have their necessary tags (TVLR, CC/, BC/, etc.) Adding or changing remarks here will update your PNR accordingly.


Figure 1.1 (Email Verification)

2.    Overrides

Quality Control checks each destination for car and hotel reservations. Overrides exist to allow PNR’s to pass those checks.


Figure 2.1 (Car Overrides)                     

Figure 2.2 (Hotel Overrides) 

3.    UDID Checks

Corporate clients typically have some sort of reportable fields that they want us to track and associate inside each of their reservations. Requirements can be found in the U# of the corporate level profiles. This data also moves into the PNR automatically when created. The #UDIDS script is called in to notify you of any missing UDID requirements.


Figure 3.1 (UDID Entry)

4.    Seats

4.1.    SKIP – Seating Remarks Already Present allows you to bypass this screen in the event you’ve already taken the necessary actions on your own.

4.2.    Add/Change Segment Associated Seating Remarks enters preformatted seating remarks for each air segment in your itinerary.

4.3.    *SEAT MODULE – Add/Change Seating Preference Remarks adds or changes seating preference remarks in accordance with the automated seat booker module within Compleat. This program module requires a remark from the agent to perform its function. All records must contain a remark beginning with 5S‡COMPLEAT-SEAT PREFS/, followed by one or more specific codes. Compleat will not attempt to book any seats without the seat preference remark.


Figure 4.3.1 (#SEATPREF Seating Preference)

4.4.    *SEAT MODULE – Send to Automated Seats Queue will queue place the PNR on the automated seat booking queue (Q255). The Seat Module of Compleat reviews PNRs on a regular basis in an attempt to find better seats for the client.

4.5.    *SEAT MODULE – Stop Automated Seat Checks will halt processing by the automated seat booking module by adding an override remark. 5S‡COMPLEAT-STOP SEAT CHECK 


Figure 4.1 (Seats) 


5.    TSA/APIS Requirements


Figure 5.1 (TSA/APIS) 

5.1.    Secure Flight sends traveler’s name, gender, date of birth as required for all domestic and international flights by the Transportation Security Administration. Secure Flight is a program that enhances the security of international air travel. Failure to provide Secure Flight passenger information, required at the time of booking, will result in passengers missing their flights.


Figure 5.1.1 (#TSAPPT Secure Flight)

5.2.    Passport sends passport number as required for all international flights. An official document issued by a government, certifying the holder's identity and citizenship and entitling them to travel under its protection to and from foreign countries.


Figure 5.2.1 (#TSAPPT Passport)

5.3.    Non-Immigrant Visa sends no-immigrant visa as sometimes required for international flights. A nonimmigrant visa (NIV) is issued to a person with permanent residence outside the United States, but wishes to be in the U.S. on a temporary basis for tourism, medical treatment, business, temporary work or study, as examples.


Figure 5.3.1 (#TSAPPT VISA)

5.4.    Known Traveler sends optional known traveler number for domestic and international flights. With TSA Pre✓®, travelers are able to speed through security and don’t need to remove their shoes, laptops, liquids, belts and light jackets.


Figure 5.4.1 (#TSAPPT Known Traveler)

5.5.    Redress Number sends optional redress number for domestic and international flights. DHS TRIP is for travelers who have been repeatedly identified for additional screening and who want to file an inquiry to have erroneous information corrected in DHS systems. Airlines will modify their reservations systems to allow passengers who have a 7-digit redress number to enter it when making their reservation.


Figure 5.1.1 (#TSAPPT Redress)


6.    Ticketing/Invoicing Selection

There are many different routes you may be taking when dealing with this particular PNR. Choosing the correct option in this window will ensure your PNR meets all the necessary requirements.


Figure 6.1 (Ticket/Invoice)

6.1.    ARC Air/Rail E-Tickets calls #ETICKET script. Electronic tickets are to be issued in the GDS. Script updates TAW to either ETKT or SPLIT ETKT given number of PQ’s, and prices Full Fare, Low Fare, and Fare Justification.

6.2.    ARC Air/Rail Groups calls #GROUPS script. Adds necessary requirements for group bookings

6.3.    ARC Air/Rail Markups calls #MARKUP script. Correctly enters accounting information so markups are interfaced into Trams Back Office, and invoice to client does not show separate charges.


Figure 6.3.1 (#MARKUP script)

6.4.    ARC Air/Rail Exchanges calls #EXCHANGE script and skips to ARC AIR section. Reads data from PQR’s, and enters necessary invoicing remarks that breaks down the exchange details for client invoices.

6.5.    ARC Air/Rail Refunds (option restricted to ticketing agents) calls #REFUND script. Takes agent through WFRR process to issue automatic refunds in the GDS.

6.6.    NON-ARC Air Tickets calls #NONARC script and skips to AIR section. Enters non-arc accounting data required to properly transmit information into Trams Back Office.


Figure 6.6.1 (#NONARC script)

6.7.    NON-ARC Rail Tickets calls #NONARC script and skips to RAIL section. Enters non-arc accounting data required to properly transmit information into Trams Back Office.


Figure 6.7.1 (RAILGK script)

6.8.    NON-ARC Air/Rail Exchanges calls #EXCHANGE script and skips to NON-ARC AIR section. Manually enters necessary invoicing remarks that breaks down the exchange details for client invoices.


Figure 6.8 (#EXCHANGE script)


Figure 6.8.2 (#EXCAHNGE verification)

6.9.    NON-ARC Air/Rail Refunds calls #REFUND script and skips to NON-ARC section. Manually enters necessary accounting information for transmitting non-arc refunds into Trams Back Office.

6.10.    Land Only E-Invoices is used when no tickets are to be issued. Script removes any 5H-T#ETKTx remarks and replaces them with 5H-T#INVx so Core knows to only issue an invoice for the given itinerary.

6.11.    Land Only Itinerary Changes calls #CHANGE script. Agent selects what was changed in PNR and script determines whether a DIN or DIT is required to transmit data changes into Trams Back Office. Gives agent the opportunity to charge any additional service fees and send updated invoices.


Figure 6.11.1 (#CHANGE script)

6.12.    Travel Rewards calls #REWARDS script. Manually enters necessary information regarding free tickets.


Figure 6.12.1 (#REWARDS script)

7. Listen360

Listen 360 is our customer engagement software platform. Operations and Account Management use it to keep track of client experiences with their agent team members and to address any concerns.


Figure 7.1 (Listen360)

7.    Next Steps

Here you are given a few more finishing options. 


Figure 8.1 (Next Steps)

7.1.    Override Service Fees enters an override amount into UD40, which Core will use when charging service fees rather than the remarks in the F# (default).


Figure 7.1.1 (Service Fee Override)

7.2.    Charge Paid Seat Fees calls #SEATFEES script. Used whenever it’s necessary to override anything regarding paid seating fees prior to issuing the tickets. Auto-ticketing will charge paid seats at time of ticketing according to what is in the PNR, if something special needs to occur, please choose this option.

7.3.    Waivers and Favors calls #WAIVERFAVOR script. Enters necessary UDID’s for tracking waivers and favors for client reporting.


Figure 7.3.1 (#WAIVERFAVOR script)

7.4.    Travel Insurance calls #INSURANCE script. Enters necessary accounting information for transmitting insurance transactions into Trams Back office.


Figure 7.4.1 (#INSURANCE script)

7.5.    CETAS: Custom TAR Notes enters free form remarks to the top of the approval emails. Used for special notes you may need to transmit to the approving manager(s).


Figure 7.5.1 (#CETAS TAR Notes)

7.6.    CETAS: Override Airfare Value overrides the calculated total fare value. By default, the total fare is determined by taking the sum of the PQ’s. If this value needs to be changed for any reason, please choose this option. 


Figure 7.5.1 (#CETAS TAR Notes)

7.7.    CETAS: Override Ticket Deadline overrides the ticketing deadline found in PQ.


Figure 7.5.1 (#CETAS TAR Notes)

7.8.    CETAS: Inhibit TAR Authorization prevents TAR’s from being created. Manual approval operation.

9. PNR Documentation

PNR documentation is VERY important! Enter any remarks here that would be helpful to anyone that may have to research transactions made in this reservation. Anything out of the ordinary would be especially important to note here.


Figure 9.1 (PNR Documentation)

10. Queue Placement

Script is now finished! This gives you the options to queue place the PNR on any of the automated queues as well as your own.


Figure 10.1 (Queue Placement)