Hotel Search

To access Hotel Search, click Hotel from the Command Helper bar.

  1. Enter an Airport or City Code, or request hotel properties that are near a Point of Interest. The search autocompletes with suggestions once you begin typing.
  2. (Optional) Specify by Chain Code, including master chain codes or Property Name
  3. (Optional) Request up to 8 Client IDs with Include or Include Only options. Supports Sabre Profiles integration.
  4. When applicable, add any of the below Advanced Qualifiers to tailor the search:
    • Amenities
    • Currency
    • Distance from location, specified in miles or kilometers (default is based on the PCC country)
    • Property Types
    • Rate Category
    • Refundable Only
    • Sabre Property Rating, presented as the median of all ratings

Address Search

Address search allows you to search for properties using a specific address as the location.

Search Response

The search response returns an initial list of up to 40 lodging options with an access to more if needed. Each response contains the same data elements, giving you a like-for-like comparison of each property.

  1. Header location and dates searched with easy replay option upon clicking
  2. Access to Map, Sort and Filter features
  3. Hotel chain logo, property name, and address
    • “Sponsored” indicator gives more visibility and transparency as to which properties were returned as a part of the Supplier preferred program (existing also on the legacy path)
  4. Optional property preferencing and tagging through premium Lodging Retailer product
  5. Distance & direction from location searched
  6. Icons indicating whether commonly searched amenities are available at the property. If the amenity is available, the icon is black. Hover over the icon for more information. Icons include also Stay Safe indicator.
  7. Sabre Property Rating
  8. 8. The lead rate is returned, based on the per-night average, with a label indicating the rate source. Click the dropdown indicator to show lead rates from other sources, including the lead rate for a negotiated (Client ID) rate, when applicable.
  9. Currency (based on PCC TJR setting or currency specified in search)
  10. Client ID indicator, when applicable
  11. Expand the property response panel to see more details, including widgets:
    • Property Details widget
    • High-resolution Photos widget
    • Property Amenities widget
  12. Click View Rates to see all rates returned for the selected property.
  13. Click Add Passive to create passive segment for the selected property
  14. Click Show more results to display additional lodging options.

Hotel Property Search

Hotel Property Search allows you to search for a specific property by Property Number (ID). Content Services for Lodging supports two types of Property Numbers:

  • Sabre (Legacy) Property Number
  • Global Property Number

both returning Sabre GDS and Aggregator(s) content, when available.

Optional qualifiers available for Hotel Property Search are:

  • Client IDs with Include or Include Only options (integrated with Sabre Profiles)
  • Rate Category
  • Currency
  • Refundable Only

Property Response

You can access the Property Response, which contains a full list of rates, as well as additional details about the property option, from three workflows:

  1. From Hotel Search, select a property option from the response, and click View Rates
  2. From Address Search, select a property option from the response, and click View Rates
  3. From Property Number Search

Each Property Response contains the following elements:

  1. Header selected property and dates searched with easy replay option upon clicking
  2. Property information, including address, chain code, and property number
  3. Expand the response panel to see more details, including widgets:
    • Property Details widget
    • High-resolution Photos widget
    • Property Amenities widget
    • and Add Passive option.
  4. Number of room rates returned, currency toggle (if Currency qualifier used) and Filter by options:
    • Rate source
    • Cancellation policy
    • Commissionable
    • Bed Type
    • ClientID
  5. Rate information, including rate name, room type, bed type, cancellation, breakfast inclusions, pre-paid information, ClientID indicator, nightly rate, total amount, commission and source indicator
  6. Hover-over Cancellation Policy (refundability) to see detailed refund & penalties information
  7. Expand the panel to see additional rate details, including taxes and fees details, crib and rollaway options, room description, cancellation, guarantee and other additional details
  8. If the per-night rate changes, the rate displays with (*); hover-over to see rate change details
  9. Commission indicator (green = commissionable; gray = not commissionable); click to see details
  10. Book option to complete the booking at the rate selected. Rate will be validated when clicked.
  11. Propose option to add offer to Proposal (available as Premium offering)